Indipendent Self Made Women
A Self Made women can be defined as a woman whose wealth, status, etc. has been gained by personal effort or hard work instead of by birth accident, especially a woman from a poor background. More women are forming new companies and collecting wealth than ever. As a result, Forbes increased our list of the richest self-made women in the nation to 80 ceiling crashers, one third more than a year ago. Each one of those overachievers blazed her trail. Others, including the toilet entrepreneurs, spray Poo-Pourri and vegan make-up line Thrive Causemetics, created fresh goods while others, including Belinda Johnson, Chief Operating Officer of Airbnb, joined tech juggernauts as they flew. Others, including singer and beauty entrepreneur Rihanna and reality TV star, turned Kylie Jenner to make-up mogul, have come up with ways to monetize their fame, fans, and followers on social media. Diane Hendricks, who has added $2.1 billion to her net worth in the past year thanks to recording $10.5 b...